No one needs reminding about the current scarcity of top talent in the job market.

If you’re a business looking to recruit, then you need to ensure you stand out from the crowd as these are some of the toughest times to land employees.

The latest official figures, released in September, show that there are 1.5m people unemployed in the UK. That might sound high, but it is just 3.6 per cent.

This is one of the lowest rates across Europe and well below the EU average of 6.9 per cent.

While this is great news for the economy, for recruiters and businesses looking to hire candidates it leaves us with a very small pond in which to fish.

As it stands right now, it’s the equivalent to a buyers’ market when you go house hunting. The upper hand, to a degree, is with the applicant. They can pick and choose, and anything that looks unappealing will just be ignored.

Therefore, it is all about impact and having vacancies that stand out, while your business also has be noticeable amongst the competition. So, one tip from us, make sure your website is up to date, that it sells the business and inspires people to come and want to work for you

After years in the industry, I know, that the way you market your jobs and your business is vital to securing the right talent, be that from the available pool or someone already in work.

At CLARICO XL, we are very aware of these challenges and have been for a while. To overcome this, you need to have a touch of guile and style when it comes to marketing vacancies. You also need to back this up with a robust approach to candidate selection.

We have done and continue to do this using digital tools and a forward-thinking approach, so we can set ourselves apart from our competition and give our clients an advantage when it comes to securing the right staff.

There are two stages to this process. 

The first is the advert and the marketing channels. If you create a poor advert then you will get poor candidates. What you need, is an advert that can deliver the right message, and has the right look and appeal to draw in the kind of employee you want.

It has to be visually appealing, so use images and video – we do, and also think strategically about the platform you will use. Today, recruitment is driven by the internet and social media, so consider these or find a recruiter that uses these.

We create a bespoke candidate pack for all our vacancies, our adverts go not only on our website, but we use Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and email and target the message accordingly. This enables us to think smart too, by scheduling posts and using the targeting options within these tools.

The second element we use, to deliver the best talent on offer, is our XLⓇ system to assess candidates on skills, experience and behaviours.

Your time is valuable, your HR team’s time is valuable and so why spend hours sifting through every application? 

By using our XLⓇ system you will only ever see candidates that match perfectly with your vacancy in our secure online portal you and your team can access 24/7 from anywhere in the world. 

To learn more about how we can save your time and money on your next recruitment campaign, or for a free online demonstration of CLARICO XL®, simply contact our Founder and Managing Consultant, Jamie Town at +44 7584 685 368 or by email at

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