There are many recruiters that care deeply about their work and there are many recruitment firms that provide excellent, professional service. And yet we all know that the industry as a whole has a less-than-stellar reputation. In this email, you’ll find five types of recruiters who you should avoid.

1. The CV Spammer
Advertising a position, searching the market (AKA headhunting), and thoroughly assessing the candidates cannot be rushed, and typically takes several weeks. Anything less than this and you might be using a recruiter who has just pulled a bunch of hopefuls from their database. A failed hire is very expensive and is only avoided by a carefully planned and executed recruitment campaign.

2. The Rushed Recruiter 
Every candidate on the shortlist should have a CV, but if that’s all you receive you’re working with a recruiter who puts in minimal effort. Candidate assessment is critical and whether it takes the form of competency questionnaires, video interviews, behavioural assessments, or anything else, there should always be something beyond a CV that helps you make an informed decision.

3. The Pushy Recruiter
The recruiter wants you to interview every candidate. It’s very rare that every candidate on the shortlist needs to be interviewed face-to-face. If you don’t have enough information on the candidates to identify the 2-3 most likely prospects, the recruiter hasn’t spent enough time on the assessment stage. You may occasionally have to interview everyone on the shortlist, but you should always be able to start with the evident frontrunners.

4. The rebate recruiter 
“Free Replacement” guarantees are offered when the recruiter is so confident in the accuracy of their placements that they KNOW this provision will rarely have to be called upon. This is a critical consideration because when a new hire leaves you after just a few months, the disruption to your business is massive and expensive. You should expect to be offered a free replacement guarantee of at least six months, otherwise, you have a right to question the recruiter’s confidence in their own abilities.
5. The low-fee recruiter

If a recruiter is competing on price, it’s often because they have little else to offer. And making cost a factor is a false economy. A bad hire can cost you six figures in terms of lost business, workplace disruption, wasted salary and the expense of repeating the recruitment campaign. Experienced, skilful recruiters who have a track record of placing candidates that stay in the role may cost more upfront, but they save you considerably more in the long run.

If you’re looking to hire a recruiter or if you’re considering whether your existing firm is the best choice, you should carefully consider all five of the points in this video
Modern-day recruitment is not about speed and low fees, it’s about the accuracy of placement. In the long-run nothing is more beneficial to your business than getting the right employee, the first time around.
In summary, you should be looking for recruiters that…

Perform an in-depth search of the market to find the best possible candidates.

Provide comprehensive candidate profiles based on detailed assessments.

Help you identify the 2-3 front-runners that should be interviewed first.

A “Free Replacement” guarantee of at least six months.

A fee that represents, not the cheapest recruitment service, but the highest quality recruitment service.

To learn more about how we can save your time and money on your next recruitment campaign, or for a free online demonstration of CLARICO XL®, simply contact our Founder and Managing Consultant, Jamie Town, at +44 7584 685 368 or by email at

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