If you woke up this morning with a knot in your stomach, it might be time to evaluate your current position and ask yourself what it is you want from an employer; once you’ve done this, it’s time to update your CV and get ready for the job search.

There are no hard and fast rules, but there is a consensus that a good CV will have the following.

A strong introduction is a must, so in just a couple of paragraphs, summarise your skills – especially technical or specialist, achievements and experience that make you right for the role and will entice the hirer to read on.

Use a strong, clear font, too, like ‘Arial’ or ‘Calibri’ – nothing fancy. Think about the use of bullet points, as this allows for brevity and getting to the point, as well as bringing key facts off the page.

Expand on your skills and achievements within your career and with your employers – how you have made an impact. Pick out the salient points, and highlight your role and responsibilities.

Promote your experience and work-placed learning, such as seminars, courses, and professional qualifications. Have you had any roles outside of work that fit the job criteria – such as club secretary or treasurer, to highlight admin or budget skills?

Your education needs to be on your CV. Start with the most recent and go back in time. If you’ve been at work a long time, then a catalogue of GSCEs is not necessary. Summarise.

Finally, one size does not fit all when it comes to CVs. You need to tailor it for each application. It only needs a tweak, but it’s a ‘must-do’ every time.
And one more thing, check it, check it and recheck it before pressing send!

If you work in the Food and Beverage sector and are looking for a new role send over your CV to info@claricoxl.com