Inevitably your best employee will leave. 

They’ll retire, get poached or get bored. 

So, if it happened today, what would you do? 

Scenario 1 – Frantically assigning multiple recruiters 

You may think that by engaging as many recruiters as you can you will get a quick result. 


A contingency recruiter earns a fee only when the organisation hires someone. 

Think about that… 

Their search process is skewed to producing results rapidly since the more time spent the less profitable the mandate. 

Contingency recruiters typically work with a large number of job openings, and, use a database of known candidates (known candidates that have been unsuccessful many times before). They look for matches on paper and send those candidates’ CVs—as many as possible—to clients for possible interviews. 

They don’t expect to get lucky. 

Scenario 2 – Try to fill the role yourself 

You may think that by filling the role yourself you will save the company thousands of pounds. 

Wrong Again! 

Time is money and the more time you spend looking for someone the less time you have to do what you do best. 

Leave it to the experts. 

Both of those options will cost you too much money and waste too much of your time. 

So, how do you save yourself time and money when the inevitable happens? 

Scenario 3 (AKA the one you should do) – Hire a retained recruitment partner you can trust 

Do you hire multiple accountants and only pay the one that comes back with the best results? 

Of course not! 


Because they’re professionals and would never agree to do it. 

A retained search consultant is much the same. 

The retained search firm is being paid to conduct the search. They, therefore, undertake a much more exhaustive process. 

What does this mean? 

The retained search recruiter cultivates contacts in sectors in which they work frequently so they know who might be restless and pre-selects the candidates carefully using advanced assessments for suitability and job fit. 

You’ll only see the finalists. 

Contingency recruiters and YOU can only dream of finding these people. 

Average time spent on a role: 

Contingency Recruiter– 10% 

You – 30% 

Retained Recruiter – 100% 

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