Are you hiring on skills and experience and firing on performance?

It’s a well-known fact that most people hire people based on their skills and experience and fire on behaviours such as poor performance or not being the ‘‘right fit’’. When someone resigns, business owners will often use the term ‘‘it just didn’t work out’’ to explain why they left the company.

Managing poor performance is a massive drain on your resources; it can damage your brand and devastate your team’s morale. On the other hand, A key team member leaving for a competitor because ‘‘it didn’t work out’’ is just as problematic. In both instances, you are now in the position where you have to rehire, which further drains your time and money and places an extra burden on your team whilst you find a replacement.

What if you could know in advance how someone would perform in a role before you hired them?

At CLARICO XL, we use job surveys to help managers, stakeholders and recruiters clearly and quickly define the behavioural requirements for any job at any level to create an internal benchmark for the role by establishing the type of behaviours you believe will assist a person in that job. A job description (tasks and duties) will tell us what we want someone to do. The McQuaig Job Survey® will say to us how you want them to do it. 

Why use it?

To learn more about how we can save your time and money on your next recruitment campaign, or for a free online demonstration of CLARICO XL®, simply contact our Founder and Managing Consultant, Jamie Town, at +44 7584 685 368 or by email at

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