How To Improve Your CV

If you woke up this morning with a knot in your stomach, it might be time to evaluate your current position and ask yourself what it is you want from an employer; once you’ve done this, it’s time to update your CV and get ready for the job search.

I’m Leaving

Inevitably your best employee will leave.  They’ll retire, get poached or get bored.  So, if it happened today, what would you do?  Scenario 1 – Frantically assigning multiple recruiters  You may think that by engaging as many recruiters as you can you will get a quick result.  Wrong!  A contingency recruiter earns a fee only […]

Stop your best people from leaving

As a business leader, you make decisions based on data and metrics every day. An effective recruitment campaign is no different. The problem Traditional recruitment methods only identify a small number of available candidates.  Boolean searches are time-consuming and can often miss suitable candidates. Only 20% of candidates are considered active and pursuing a new […]

Culture Club – why your business needs one

Culture Club – why your business needs one When it comes to attracting the best talent to your business what are you doing to become that magnet? Recruiting has never been more challenging, there are fewer candidates with the skills and knowledge in a shrinking talent pool. If you want your business to stay ahead […]

How to become a ‘go-to employer’

Did you know that more than THREE MILLION people apply to work at Google each year – yet there are only 7,000 jobs available. Despite only having a 0.2 per cent chance of getting a job with the tech giant, there is no shortage of talent trying to get through the doors. Google hasn’t achieved […]

How to control those interview nerves

Butterflies in the stomach, sweaty palms, racing heart – just some of the symptoms that everyone gets with job interviews. Hiding these interview nerves is tough, but in a competitive job market, the need to ooze confidence and have a ‘game face’ has never been more important. A nervous interview can potentially put paid to […]